Welcome to my Blog

To demonstrate that you can transform your body, stabilise your mood and live healthier through clever eating and moderate regular exercise.

Hi, welcome to my Blog.

For some time I have been sharing the knowledge and experience I have gained with friends and fellow gym-goers. However, I decided it was about time I wrote down my thoughts to share with the community at large with the aim to educate and debate.

The aim of this blog is to show that you should not need to make wholescale changes to the way you live your life, such as adopting extreme diets or lengthy exercise regimes. Let’s face it, by following such activities, whilst in the short-term may seem to reap benefits, longer term you are most likely doomed to fail. For most mere mortals, it is only a matter of time before apathy kicks in or day-to-day life commitments make it untenable. This blog emphasises the necessity to ‘play the long game’ for a new improved healthy you; whereby, I intend to show that by dedicating only a few hours a week to exercise and simply ‘tweeking’ your diet, you can see real results without drastically changing how you live your life.

In these articles and blogs, I will try to give my often-frank view, based on many years of experience advising and training with others of varying age and ability, both casually and competitively. Although I have no formal qualifications, I have been told that my advice is very helpful; which has inspired me to share this online. There are undoubtedly many sources of literature on and offline which cover the subject well – although some useful, many more are broadly theoretical, commercially biased or frankly just noise; which serve only to confuse, contradict and can end up demotivating you.

I hope you find my ramblings informative and motivational. Please feel free to comment (constructively) to the articles that I post, as undoubtedly shared experience and knowledge are a most valued commodity.



It is a shame for a man to grow old without realising the beauty and strength of which his body is capable (Socrates)

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